dimanche 10 juin 2012

Ugo Mulas / Verifications

"Verifications 1969-1972

In 1970 I began taking photographs whose subject matter was photography itself, a sort of analysis of the operations of photography aimed at identifying its basic elements and their intrinsic significance. For instance, what is a sensitive surface? Why using a telephoto or wide-angle lens? Why do you choose a certain format? Why making enlargements? What relation exists between a photograph and its caption? And so on. All fundamental subjects of every photography manual but seen from the opposite side, that is by a seasoned professional with twenty years of experience, while manuals are usually addressed to and read by beginners."

Source: Ugo Mulas 

samedi 9 juin 2012

Ray Bradbury / Reve et realite

"Si on ne peut avoir la réalité, un rêve vaut tout autant."

Chroniques martiennes / Ray Bradbury

Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
Ex journaliste, informaticien, Ecolo, photographe, belge, bedonnant, grisonnant, polyglotte, passant quotidiennement trop heures derrière mon volant. Vous en voulez encore? Parlons plutôt photographie!